
WebSite Watcher 4.33 Rus

WebSite Watcher - Мощная программа для мониторнга сайтов на предмет их обновления. При обнаружении изменений обновленные страницы сохраняются и на них цветом выделяются все изменения. Для более конкретного контроля за изменением определенной информации возможно использование хорошо настраиваемых фильтров. Программа поддерживает интеграцию с наиболее популярными браузерами - Internet Explorer, Netscape и Opera.

WebSite-Watcher allows you to monitor websites for updates and changes. Don't waste your time to check pages manually in your browser when WebSite-Watcher can do this time-consuming job for you.
Website-Watcher highlights all changes in a page, see what you're looking for in seconds.

Many Features
Monitor web pages
Monitor password protected pages
Monitor forums for new postings and replies
Monitor RSS feeds, Newsgroups and local files
Highlight changes in a page
Powerful filter system to ignore unwanted content
Many more features to stay up-to-date!

Many Benefits
Don't waste hours checking websites for updates when WebSite-Watcher can do it automatically for you
Know what your competitors are doing, WebSite-Watcher scans their websites for you
Know when a new software version or driver update is released, WebSite-Watcher detects the updates for you
Stay informed with new postings or answers in discussion forums, WebSite-Watcher will notify you as soon as possible

[+] Browser tabs: Mouse middle click closes tab - Thread
[x] Restore functionality improved (a restore could fail if the path of the backed up bookmark file doesn't exist on the target system)
[x] Backup system more resistant against conflicts with virus tools or desktop search engines
[x] Internet Explorer Macro improved: If a link with changing numbers cannot be found when executing the macro, WebSite-Watcher tries to use regular expressions internally to find the new link (for example for links ala "Inbox(10)" where 10 can change)
[x] Extended Search: Newsgroup threads/bodies can be opened within the extended search window
[x] Import configurations via "config1.ini" reworked and enhanced (see help file for more information)
[-] WebSite-Watcher could steal focus from internal browser -
[-] Add-From-Browser: Creating new folders were not possible under certain circumstances
[-] Some URLs could not be monitored under certain circumstances - Thread
Minor bugfixes and improvements

Home Page - http://www.aignes.com/

WebSite Watcher 4.33 Rus
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxedsmirk