
IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.1

altКомпания JetBRAINS выпустила версию 9.0.1 своей знаменитой IDE для разработки на Java - IntelliJ IDEA, особенно хорошо известная своими возможностями по рефакторингу. Здесь представлена Community Edition. Это совершенно бесплатный вариант данной IDE. Несмотря на то, что она имеет ряд существенных ограничений, по сравнению с платной (Ultimate Edition) версией, рефакторинг Java кода поддерживается полностью.

The Most Intelligent Java IDE
IntelliJ IDEA is a code-centric IDE focused on developer productivity.
IntelliJ IDEA deeply understands your code and gives you a set of powerful tools without imposing any particular workflow or project structure.
IntelliJ IDEA is your dream pair-programmer who knows its way around the codebase, makes great suggestions right when you need them, and is always ready to help you shape your code.

Коротко О Community Edition:
* Lightweight IDE for plain Java development, with XML and Groovy support
* Most intelligent coding assistance, refactoring and code inspection tools
* Integration with JUnit and TestNG, popular VCS tools, Ant and Maven
* Free and open-source

Community Edition — Free and Open Java IDE
* Intelligent code editor has all the smarts for understanding Java code; provides refactorings, code inspections and intentions, super-fast navigation — all that we have accumulated over the years.
* Integrates with such essential tools as JUnit and TestNG, Ant and Maven, and popular version control systems: CVS, Subversion and git.
* Provides IntelliJ IDEA's famous XML-Java interoperability and comprehensive Groovy programming language support.
* The Swing UI designer complements the suite of tools for developing Java desktop applications — such as IntelliJ IDEA itself.

Сравнительная таблица Community vs Ultimate
IntelliJ IDEA Editions (Community vs Ultimate) Comparison

Новое в версии IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.1:
* Improvements and fixes

Новое в версии IntelliJ IDEA 9.0
* Much Faster Environment
* Improved Code Understanding
* Extended Polyglot Arsenal
* Java EE 6 Support, and more

Windows version:

* Run the idea-9.0.1.exe file that starts the Installation Wizard.
* Follow all steps suggested by the wizard.

System requirements
* Microsoft Windows 7 (incl.64-bit)/Vista/2003/XP
* 1 GB RAM minimum, 2 GB RAM recommended
* 300 MB hard disk space + at least 1 G for caches
* 1024x768 minimum screen resolution
* JDK 1.5 or higher. JDK 1.6 required for Community Edition

* Unpack the idea-9.0.1.tar.gz file using the following command: tar xfz idea-9.0.1.tar.gz
* Run idea.sh from the bin subdirectory.

System requirements
* GNOME or KDE desktop
* 1 GB RAM minimum, 2 GB RAM recommended
* 300 MB hard disk space + at least 1 GB for caches
* 1024x768 minimum screen resolution
* Sun JDK 1.6 (OpenJDK NOT recommended)

IntelliJ IDEA
Version: 9.0.1
Build: 93.94

По второй ссылке версия для Linux



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